Presently in
LAB continues to grow and is now the home of the largest concentration of D-2, D-4 and D-6 Swiss Escomatic screw machines in North America. With annual production in excess of 1.3 billion high-quality precision parts and the capacity for over 2 billion. Our highly trained professional operators and 120+ custom modified Swiss Escomatic Screw Machines make LAB the sought after source for high volume, high quality, precision parts, delivered on time.
This large concentration of machines combined with highly trained professionals give LAB the flexibility and the shortened lead-times sought by purchasing agents from multiple industries. These industries include Mechanical Security(Locks), Firearms, Electronics and Consumer Goods. As the dominate supplier in several categories, LAB is recognized as a “World Class Supplier” and “Supplier of Choice” for manufacturers and market suppliers worldwide.
LAB products are made in the USA governed by our ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management system. (View Certificate Here)